Unbounded by walls. Unlimited by distances. We gathered in one heart, mind and spirit.
By Kristine Lee

2020 marks the year of Trinity’s 50th anniversary. It is a momentous year to celebrate God’s faithfulness and to live out the prophetic. And now it is a landmark moment for Trinity, for a seemingly different reason.
For the first time since its birth, the church has had to close its doors as governments in Singapore, Australia, Indonesia, and Thailand impose mandatory stay home measures to try to curb the spread of COVID-19.
Ahead in time. Living out the prophetic.
But God had already prepared us for this moment ahead of time. And unknowingly we were living out the prophetic.
Two years prior, in 2018, we had already started livestreaming on Facebook for those unable to attend onsite due to illness or travels. We had even given out tablet computers to our elderly who are not mobile enough to leave their homes. To go online exclusively? Not an issue!
Also for two years since 2018, God has directed us to go Back to Basics in our faith, foundation and formation. One tip from Pastor Dom was even to strategically withdraw from our busy schedules to realign with God. Just before COVID-19 hit, we took the year in 2019 to grow in our faith life, declaring God’s truth against all visible odds. Recap the messages here.
God has prepared us well.

Gathered as one
On Mar 28 and 29, with incredible unity we gathered together in one heart, spirit and mind to worship the audience of One in our first exclusively online services. Trinity@Jakarta, Trinity@Bangkok, Trinity@Melbourne, Indonesian, Filipino, Thai and Japanese ministries all joined in our main service whilst for the first time, IGNYTE and Chinese Ministries had their services online too.
Pressing into the presence of God
One after another testified of God’s presence.
“During worship online, I had a thought, ‘Even though we are all separate from each other during worship, we are still singing to the audience of the One. God is omnipresent and He alone hears a symphony of voices joined together in harmony. And He delights in our worship’.” - Priscilla Foo

“Community atmosphere is very different from being alone at home. But one thing that didn’t change was God’s presence. At one point during service, this thought came across my mind: ‘It’s amazing that there are so many people worshipping Him in their own home as well. Worshipping God with one heart even though it’s not the same physical space.'" - Janna Poon
All aboard
DiscoveryLand joined in and soon Trinity@CBD services started online with Walking Through the Word (a series on the Book of Philippians).

"Caera and Caius missed DiscoveryLand and the pastors so much, they watched the program in DiscoveryLand Pack three times!” - Mdm Tay Aiwei
"The COVID-19 situation has added demands on the work I do. Working from home hasn't been the most relaxing with many lines being blurred.

However, last Thursday, I intentionally set aside time to attend Trinity@CBD’s online service and was blessed to be able to immerse in the Word of God! I was reminded that despite the uncertainties in our current climate, there are still so many things that I can be thankful for. God is still at work even when we cannot see it. I felt refreshed and recharged after the service, and am looking forward to delving deep into the Word of God during this circuit breaker!” - Joel Loh

“I can now attend services thrice a week. Trinity@CBD service on Thursday night, Chinese services on Saturday evening and English service on Sunday at 11am. It’s 满汉全席 (Chinese idiom for a full sumptuous banquet from two tribes, so popular that all seats are full for the banquet)! The Sunday service is a treat because I attend the service with my husband when previously I could not because of ministry. We are bonding more because of the common experience.” Koh Ai Tee, Chinese Ministry
We continue to care and connect
The Care and Connect culture didn’t stop but instead provided more opportunities! “The last time my mum attended a church service was 17 years ago at my water baptism! With everyone staying home now, I screened Trinity’s online service from the living room instead of my room so that I could invite mum to attend the service with me.
Praise God that mum not only listened to the entire sermon but she also sang softly in worship! During the online service, I actually felt God’s presence in our home.
Now, my mum tunes in to the online service with me on most weekends! God is at work and He will turn things around for all who love Him!” - Ms Choy

“My husband Steven and I have sent the DiscoveryLand Pack to friends who are struggling to have their kids focus in the adults services online. Many have thanked me for the link and are blessed that now they can attend their adult service and focus while they let their kids attend our DiscoveryLand service online. I feel the same too! I’ve also sent the link to my oikos with kids. And the pastors have kept in touch, helping Evangeline and Joshua grow in God. We are thankful.” - Amy Lai
In our 50th year, God has brought us back to the core of what it means to be His Church. Incredibly united as a spiritual community, divinely connected to one another and to Him. What a momentous occasion!

Reflect & Respond
How have services online impacted you?
How have services online transformed how you connect?
Share with us on testimonies@trinity.sg.