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Sharing LIVE, Sharing Life


Cooking with Pastor Dominic? Yes, and more!

By Imelda Lie

I have called Trinity home for 15 years. In all that time, I have never really seen what our pastors are like outside of church. The closest I came to that was bumping into a pastor on the street. But even then, it felt awkward – kind of like bumping into your school teacher. COVID-19 may have caused the Church Camp in June to be cancelled, but the resulting Circuit Breaker has given us a rare treat. For the first time, we have privy into our pastors’ personal lives in where they are most relaxed - at home. Not that they were necessarily relaxed as Broadcast Life Conference was broadcasted LIVE!

Hidden Talents

Sheila Teo & family enjoying "Chef Dom's" recipe

The conference kicked off with ‘Dom can cook – Beef Stew’. I recall Pastor Dominic mentioned during service that he cooks, but I didn’t think much of it. When I saw his well-stocked kitchen, I realized there’s more to Pastor Dominic than what I knew. After watching him patiently slow cook the beef to perfection, I am convinced if Pastor Dominic wasn’t a pastor, he might be known as Chef Dom!

Now my curiosity was really piqued. What other hidden talents do my pastors have?

The lifehack works!

Working from home has not been the best for my posture. In fact, I have been suffering from aches and wanted to get a laptop stand. Thanks to life hacks from Brother Jonathan and stretching exercises from Sister Hannah, I now have a makeshift stand and also learned some stretches to put into my daily routine! It dawned on me that God loves me so much that He would care about these little details, and supply what I need for my wellbeing through my pastors.

Pastor Susie and Brother Derek’s book recommendation was also timely. Now I have something to read during this Circuit Breaker. I was also touched by Brother Derek’s honest sharing of his past struggle with addiction – a side of our leader that I have not known.

Apart yet Closer

This Broadcast Life Conference has been so refreshing yet strangely familiar. I realized the heart behind it is truly Trinitarian – caring and connecting. Powerful messages by guest speakers, testimonies from Trinitarians who survived COVID-19 or whose workfront were affected, and practical life tips from our leaders, all served to encourage and empower us through these challenging times. It was a great platform to connect with our loved ones even with the social distancing. We are all in this together.

And although we are physically apart, in three days, I feel closer to our pastors than in all my years in Trinity. If I bump into one on the street, I will not be as awkward and may even say "hello!" I look forward to our reunion physically in church. But in the meantime, I’ll enjoy abiding in God with my fellow Trinitarians and getting to know my pastors more online.

How others have been impacted

"This is a Life Conference like no other! Besides being encouraged by the word of God, it is refreshing to have our pastors show off their hobbies, skills, and passions. In this time of doom-and-gloom reporting, their lighthearted sessions lifted my spirits and were a great way to end my days." - Jessie Ng

There has been so much job insecurity in this COVID-19 season. I have been trying to remind myself daily to put my faith in my Heavenly Father.

The session “Glimpse into the Israel Pilgrimage” in Broadcast Life Conference was a timely reminder. Pastor David shared how ravens supplied food to Elijah while Elijah was hiding in the brook. I was immediately reminded on how loving friends and Connect Group members have blessed the family with food as we went through SHN, HBL and the Circuit Breaker. There was so much food, and even bak kwa (my favorite). It was a feast that I would not even splurged on myself!

We thank God for His providence through friends, while we were ‘hiding in the brook’. My faith in God has increased. I am not as anxious now. - Michael Kee

"There were moments my faith was shaken when the COVID-19 situation didn't seem to improve, and I actually questioned and doubted God. Many of the sessions - Modern Day Parables, Book Me and Flatten the Curve reminded me that my faith must not be determined by the circumstances I see. Rather, I'm to see the light at the end of the tunnel, and continue to believe that our God is at work, though I cannot see or comprehend. Rev Ong's session reminded me that I need to declare that God is in control. He has blessed our nation and He will continue to bless and bring us out of the economic crisis faster than our human mind can comprehend." - Ang Bee Leng

“My father passed away suddenly two weeks ago from a heart attack. In the aftermath many of our Trinitarian friends showed love and care through surprise meal deliveries. The Mother’s Day online service also spoke to us. But pockets of regret would wash over my mother in her grieving. It was difficult for her to release 37 years of marriage to God, until the Broadcast Life Conference.

Pastor Martin Storey shared a testimony of how a granddaughter’s pain was transformed into purpose as pre-believing doctors and nurses encountered God’s love at her grandfather’s deathbed. The story resonated with us immediately. We were reminded of God’s sovereignty, faithfulness and purpose in my father’s life and in our pain.

My mother was visibly moved and touched by the testimony and God’s presence. She entrusted my father’s passing all to God as Pastor Wendy prayed over attendees. She is more at peace now.” - Charmaine Thiang


Reflect & Respond

  • Which is your favorite session in Broadcast Life Conference so far?

  • What has God spoken to you through the sessions and how do you feel seeing a different side of the pastors?

  • Are there any persons you can invite to the rest of the Broadcast Life Conference?



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