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1 Invitation, 2 Salvations

Trinity Christian Centre

Raymond was a vessel of God’s grace in the lives of two individuals and saw their transformations at a recent Fabulous Friday service.

By Dr Raymond Choe

Rose has been a regular patient of mine since she moved to Singapore from the Philippines two years ago. In March, she came to see me for chronic stomach pains. I gave her medication, but her pains did not subside and were only temporarily relieved. I referred her to a specialist for further treatment, and preliminary assessments revealed a suspicion of appendicitis which required surgery.

When Rose shared the diagnosis with me, I saw her distress and felt moved by God’s compassion. She had hit a wall in terms of her conditions and there wasn’t more we could do. I knew she was open to God because of her family background, so I felt prompted in my spirit to assure her that God was in control of her life no matter what the specialist had said. Because of long-standing trust between us, she listened attentively as I invited her to attend Fabulous Friday service on April 30 to receive prayer.

Meanwhile, Rose’s roommate Tina had fallen sick and came to see me for a medical check-up. I extended an invitation to Tina to join Rose for Fabulous Friday. Both ladies attended the service that week together, finding it enjoyable and meaningful.

Following the service, my wife and I brought Rose and Tina to the Guest Reception where Pastor Joanna Teoh warmly welcomed them. As Pastor Joanna ministered to them, their hearts were opened, and they agreed to accept Jesus into their hearts! Pastor Joanna also took the opportunity to pray for the healing of Rose’s abdominal pains. Since then, Rose no longer feels any pain in her stomach. On May 6, Rose went for a medical review that confirmed surgery would not be needed as no medical cause for the pain could be found.

I rejoice that God has miraculously healed Rose. Most importantly, I’m overjoyed in knowing that both Rose and Tina (pictured right to left) have come to Christ, receiving His free gift of salvation.

Rose (right) continues to join Trinity’s online services whenever she can and desires to grow in understanding God’s Word.

I am privileged to be a vessel of God’s grace in the lives of my patients, testifying that Jesus gives us abundant life, both physically and spiritually. Praise God!

“But He was pierced for our transgressions, He was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on Him and by His wounds we are healed.” (Isaiah 53:5)


We are always delighted to receive testimonies. Give God the glory and write to to celebrate what God has done in your life.

Reflect & Respond

  • How have you felt after witnessing a loved one's salvation?

  • Wondering how to share Jesus' love with someone in your life? Ask the Holy Spirit to create a unique opportunity.



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