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2 ART Positive Results Cannot Match God’s Miracle!

Trinity Christian Centre

God reminded Jennifer Ng that He is a miracle-working God and she is to place her trust in Him.

I woke up on Sunday morning (Oct 17) with a heavy head, having not been well since Friday night. I had bad stomach cramps when Connect Group (CG) was almost over and subsequently, diarrhoea that continued till Saturday morning. I went to the doctor on Saturday morning for some medication and went home to rest. I didn’t think too much of my condition on Sunday but decided to do an Antigen Rapid Test (ART) nevertheless.

The test strip had a faint pink line. Alas, a faint pink line is still considered a positive reading. I quickly looked through the required protocols and deliberated which category I fall under. While I didn’t have a fever or sore throat, I decided to see a doctor as I didn’t fall under Protocol Two of “You are well but test positive” either.

I searched for a Swab And Send Home clinic, found one that opens on Sundays, called them to confirm, and off I went. It was quite a fast process. The doctor explained that he would do both ART and Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) tests. The tests were fast and not uncomfortable, even for the PCR.

After waiting for about 15 minutes, the nurse explained that I had a positive result for ART test and was supposed to isolate at home and wait for MOH to contact me for my PCR results, which will take about 48 hours.

My heart sank. I was praying that my self-test ART was a false-positive. With the positive result from the clinic, I was resigned that I indeed have COVID-19.

However, I thank God that I did not have severe symptoms.

I am grateful that His grace and protection is upon me.

Alphtrack Batch 45, Jennifer in yellow, back row.

While I was disappointed, I was not fearful because I know my God is watching over me and I have my community of believers interceding and supporting me. Once my ARTs came back positive, my CG Life@St Michaels' core group, my faithful AlphaTrack Batch 45 prayer shield, friends, and Pastors all rallied and interceded for me.

I was indeed blessed by the community spirit of connectedness and encouragement.

Life@St Michaels' CG core group.

We were just discussing the topic of Build God’s House Experience His Blessings of Togetherness at CG, as we come back to church on-site. Indeed, these relationships and connections were forged when we were physically together.

God answers prayers. On Monday, I received a text from MOH giving me the results of my PCR test. The message read, “the result of your COVID-19 swab test was Negative.” I couldn’t believe my eyes! I was singing and praising God. It was such a joyful moment. Two ART positive results are no match for God's miracle!

In that instant, God reminded me that we are to place our trust in Him, and not on what is seen before us.

He has not forgotten me but is working behind the scenes. What I saw before me were positive ART results – the natural realm – but our God is working in the supernatural, what is unseen.

"For we walk by faith, not by sight." (2 Corinthians 5:7)

All glory to God!


Reflect & Respond

  • What area of your life do you need to trust God in, and not be discouraged by what you see or understand?

  • Connect with your spiritual community, share your challenges with CG members, fellow believers and ask them to pray along-side.


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