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Bonding with one another, building God's body

Trinity Christian Centre

Back on June 5-8, Trinitarians travelled to Petaling Jaya, Malaysia for Camp Actionate. We hear the stories of how God moved in the camp, even from the get-go on the bus ride. Johney, who attended the Chinese Track, shares his experience.

By Johney Xiang

Camp Actionate, Trinity’s first church camp in six years, was an unforgettable and special camp.

Firstly, we encountered a massive traffic jam on the very first day of the camp, as it fell on a public holiday in Malaysia. This resulted in a 14-hour coach ride for many Trinitarians making their way from Singapore to the campsite in Petaling Jaya.

It was a difficult journey but one filled with God’s presence, just like in Exodus 33:14 where “The Lord replied, ‘My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.’” It was beautiful to hear that the other campers who had already arrived at the campsite were praying for us.

It was beautiful to hear that the other campers who had already arrived at the campsite were praying for us.

Besides the combined opening and closing sessions, we had Rev Paulus Wong, the invited guest speaker for the Chinese Track minister to us. Rev Paulus shared his experiences and years of ministry in good humor, allowing us to see God’s lovingkindness that was showered upon him.

In line with the camp theme verse, Daniel 11:32B, “The people who know God will be strong and take action,” he elaborated on how we could be strong and take action: If we know God, we would know our identity, and through His will, we can discover our call.

I dare say every camper in the Chinese Track walked away from the camp with their hearts full. Many who responded at the altar received the baptism of the Holy Spirit. They were greatly encouraged by the messages preached by the different speakers.

Many who responded at the altar call received the baptism of the Holy Spirit.

A special highlight was on the second night where the Chinese Ministry prayed and declared over the men in the ministry that we would be God’s mighty warriors and His witnesses who proclaim the gospel wherever we go.

Church camp was also an important time of bonding with both spiritual and biological families. The time of fellowship through food, conversations, and even shopping allowed friendships to strengthen in the larger Trinity family, solidifying a unity with one another and God and building up the body of Christ.

The Chinese Ministry prayed and declared over the men in the ministry.

On the journey back to Singapore from Kuala Lumpur, one of the coaches had a punctured tyre. The rest of the coaches waited for the problem to be fixed before returning back to Singapore together.

This was being strong and taking action in challenging times, and a perfect example of going through tough times together as one body.

Do you have a testimony to share about how God has blessed or ministered to you in Church Camp 2023: Actionate? Send in your testimony via to bless and encourage others!

Reflect & Respond
  • Is there an area in your life where you are seeking God's breakthrough? Share this with your spiritual family and unite together in prayer.

  • Looking for your spiritual family? Join us for our Chinese services and find a community that unites together to build each other up!


About the Author

Johney Xiang is a student at TCA College and currently serves in the Chinese Ministry of Trinity Christian Centre. He has a missionary call and hopes that more people who have not heard the gospel can come to know Jesus personally.


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