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Building Lives, Building for the One


With digital church as the new norm, is there still a need to build for the One?

By Jessie Chew

In a few days, Trinity will hold its annual Vision Weekend (September 26-27) – a time where Trinitarians make Vision Faith Promises. When fulfilled, Vision Faith Promises go to Trinity’s building fund.

This year, the theme of Vision Month is building for the One. But with digital church as the new norm, is there still a need to build for the One?

Building for God is not about what’s happening now – it’s about preparing for what is ahead.

With the global medical community working in a vaccine for COVID-19, there will come a day when this pandemic will subside.

One day, limits on the size of gatherings will be a thing of the past.

One day, we will be able to welcome Trinitarians and oikos back to God’s house.

So when that day comes, we must be ready to open our doors. We must be ready to be a place of life transformation once more.

A place to build relationships

You and I were created to be relational. And though we can connect with people through social media, video calls, or digital messaging platforms, it cannot replicate the vibrant atmosphere that comes with coming together.

“The Trinitarian experience is more than just service,” shares Board Member Wong Ming Fai, “Church for me is about everything that happens before, during, and after. My fondest memories of Trinity@Adam include the times when I hung out with friends, had toast and kopi (local coffee) at the Meeting Place, and let my children run around the playground while I caught up with others.”

Relationships are also built and strengthened through serving. Since July, Trinitarians from the Creative Ministry have come back to Trinity@Paya Lebar to lead worship. After spending months apart, coming together again is a happy occasion. “One of the greatest blessings about being able to serve in church is getting to meet and catch up with everyone,” shared drummer Christal Kuna, “There are so few opportunities for that in these times.”

“It’s always awesome to be in a corporate setting as a group of believers exalting God’s name,” shared worship leader Felix Prem, “God made me realize how heaven would be like where all of His people gather together and worship Him all day.”

Christal (top) and Felix (above, center) recording worship for online service

A place of new hope

Worship and fellowship. Impartation and edification. For Renuka Devi, coming to church has been a vital part of her journey towards healing and transformation.

Diagnosed with stage 4 ovarian cancer, she felt hopeless and had no one to turn to. At the invitation of a friend, her husband attended Saturday service and was ministered to by God’s presence.

When Trinitarians came to their home and shared the Gospel with her the next day, she made a decision for Jesus. For the first time since the diagnosis, she felt hope.

Renuka (center) with her Connect Group at a member’s water baptism

“My husband and I started attending church regularly and grew in Christ through sermons, prayer meetings, conferences, courses, and Connect Groups. We were especially blessed by the 29:13 meetings in 2019.

I am a totally changed person now. I have a constant assurance that my Heavenly Father loves me and will take care of my family. When cancer came back in November 2019, I could face the circumstances without fear and was able to trust God completely.

Even though I am encouraged by the online services, I miss going to church where we join hearts and come into God's tangible presence. I look forward to the day we can come back to His house!”

Building for the future

In a few days’ time, Trinitarians will be coming together on Zoom to participate in the Vision Faith Promise (September 26-27). While the digital church has become a part of our lives, let us not forget to build the physical church – places where people can experience life transformation, strengthen relationships, and encounter God.


Be part of this year’s Vision Faith Promise!

Send an SMS to 79777 by Sun, September 20 to pre-register.

Thu, Sep 24, 7.30pm (EV VIS CBD)

Sat, Sep 26, 5pm (EV VIS 5E)

Sun, Sep 27, 8.30am (EV VIS 830E)

Sun, Sep 27, 11am (EV VIS 11E)


Reflect & Respond

  • What is your earliest Trinity memory?

  • How have you been blessed by coming to church?

  • What part will you play in building God’s house?



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