Easter at DiscoveryLand was a big splash success among the children. The Red Pincer, with its “under the sea” theme, came complete with breathtaking decoration – from octopuses made out of balloons to beautiful rock corals and shiny blue curtains. All that was left was for the children to arrive.
By Jacquelyn Bipasha

Easter at DiscoveryLand was a big splash success among the children. The Red Pincer, with its “under the sea” theme, came complete with breathtaking decoration – from octopuses made out of balloons to beautiful rock corals and shiny blue curtains. All that was left was for the children to arrive.

And come they did at the invitation of their friends and families. When the doors of the various event locations were finally opened, a sea of children streamed in, registered and waited eagerly to join in the games.

The children participated in the games with great joy. Getting into pairs, they asked each other questions such as, “Do you like Spiderman or Ironman more?” or “What sports do you play?” In “Crab Pinch Pass”, they pretended to be crabs and mimicked crabs passing ping-pong balls and balloons to others in their groups.

Shortly after, it was finally time to dive into the Kingdom of Crabalantis to find out how the story of The Red Pincer would unfold.

It was the story of the precious friendship between Gregory the crab, Bubbles the squid and Prince Clawdius, the best friend of Gregory and the Prince of Crablantis.

Snappy the shark tricked Gregory into giving her the key to the Crabalantis storehouse and stole all the food of Crablantis.
Just as Prince Claudius sacrificed, ... Jesus did that and more for all of us.
However, Prince Clawdius arrived on the scene to set things right, giving up his precious red pincer to get the key to the storehouse back.

One DiscoveryLand child then shared the Easter message. Just as Prince Clawdius sacrificed for his friends and the people of Crablantis, Jesus did that and more for all of us.
God loved us so much that He sent His one and only son to die on the cross for us.
The response to the altar call was amazing. A total of 168 children gave their lives to Jesus. All glory to God!

Seow Yu Xuan, 9:
"I learnt that we are special and that we should not believe the lie that the devil says we are not good enough, because we are and God wants us to know that. And I enjoyed that my friend received God as her God."
We should not believe the lie the devil says, that we arenot good enough
Joyce Elsa Varghese, 10:
“I learnt that God loved us so much that He sent His one and only son to die on the cross for us. I enjoyed the time I got to share God’s love to a first-time visitor.”
Elliot Joseph Liew, 9:
“I learnt not to trust what the enemy says and to not compare myself and always trust and believe that God loves me.”
We are (good enough) and God wants us to know that
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About the Author
Jacquelyn is a leader in Trinity's children ministry. Creative and energetic, she loves to interact with children! She uses her passion in drama to bless children in DiscoveryLand and in her teaching career.
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