“Go to all the world…” may seem like mission impossible. But missions in the last days is as simple as this: pray, give, go.
By Koh Zhi Guo Daniel

On March 11, 2022, the flags of 18 nations waved resolutely during the Parade of Nations on stage at Trinity@Paya Lebar.
Flags represent the uniqueness of every nation. While they arouse patriotic emotion, they also reminded Trinitarians of the nations that Trinity Christian Centre has been reaching out to in fulfilling the Great Commission.
"Ask Me, and I will make the nations your inheritance, the ends of the earth your possession." (Psalms 2:8)
As firmly as the flags stood on stage, so steadfast Trinitarians have been in the giving of their time and treasure, planting Regional Centers, nurturing leaders, and sowing seeds of salvation to further God’s Kingdom. In good Trinitarian fashion, many came wearing national costumes to celebrate the nations, eager to hear God’s Word.

The shovel in your hand
“Dig deep,” exhorted Rev Dr Tom Manning, Lead Pastor of Christian Life Center and World Missions Director for the Peninsular Florida District Council of the Assemblies of God, USA. Holding a shovel in his hand, he shared how the three kings of Israel, Judah, and Edom found no water after a seven-day march through the desert.
“Has the Lord called us three kings together only to deliver us into the hands of [our enemy] Moab?” they cried. Desperate, they sought the prophet Elisha, who instructed them to dig ditches.
“And [Elijah] said, “Thus says the Lord: ‘Make this valley full of ditches.’ For thus says the Lord: ‘You shall not see wind, nor shall you see rain; yet that valley shall be filled with water, so that you, your cattle, and your animals may drink.’” (2 Kings 3:16-17, NKJV)
“Whatever it is you’re wrestling with,” the man of the hour entreated, “exercise your faith and bring out your shovel. Faith is preparing for what we can’t see. The more ditches, the more rain can fill them. If you dig, God will send rain.”
And “dig” Trinitarians did as our Lead Pastor Dominic Yeo rallied us to dig ”ditches” of prayer and uplift nations in our parched world. As we lifted our hands, we asked for nations to be open to the Gospel and for new outposts to be planted.
“Missions Rally was a strong reminder that we are not a church contained within the four walls, but a church born to follow Jesus’ call to go and make disciples of every nation. Coming together to intercede for the nations reminded me also of my active role to pray and stand in the gap.” – Kaneko Yoshiki (Adult Leader, IGNYTE), who was the flag bearer for the flags of Indonesia, Romania, and Vietnam.

And the “digging” persisted over Mission Weekend.
“The enemy continues to steal, kill and destroy. We are in a spiritual battle. What we do has kingdom impact and will change the lives of thousands around the world,” Rev Manning encouraged.
He laid out as a military commander might, the enemy’s CONOPS (Concept of Operations) to defeat the message of life:
“He will attempt to silence our witness. He will try to deaden our compassion by making other things more attractive. He will deceive many as to the ultimate destiny of those without the Gospel.”
But like Isaiah, our eyes are opened; we have been cleansed and saved by God in Christ. When God asks, “Whom shall I send? And who will go with us?” will we be like Isaiah and reply with a resolute “Send me!”? (Isaiah 6:8, NIV)
At the Ukraine-Romania border

Gripped by those words, we proceeded to watch a livestreamed video of our Deputy Lead Pastor, Pastor Gerald Tan, in Romania. Donning a thick coat, he spoke against a snow-covered backdrop littered with tents for processing refugees, just 800m from the border of war-ravaged Ukraine.
“Most of the refugees are women and children, as the men have had to remain in Ukraine to fight,” said Pastor Gerald. “It has been extremely cold, minus 15 degrees Celsius over the first two weeks of the war. Together with relief agencies and churches, we are doing what we can to provide for the refugees.”

Yet amid the darkness, light shines through, as many in Ukraine have returned to God amid the devastation of war. Beyond meeting their necessary physical needs, Pastor Dominic shared the critical need to equip and develop these refugees, so that where they go and when they return, they can lead as leaders of God’s people. “We are in the last days – let us not be found wanting when Christ returns,” our Lead Pastor emphasized.

“The reality of what’s happening in the world shows us it isn’t enough to go about our lives with business as usual. This Missions Week has reminded me to be compelled by compassion and urgency for those who have yet to hear the Gospel daily.
Let’s go to the highways and byways, to seize every opportunity to share the goodness of God. That’s what missions in the last days mean to me - giving my time, talents, treasures - making every moment count for Jesus," Cherie Ong (pictured left) who represented Colombia in her ethnic attire at Friday's Missions Rally.

The word “mission” is from the Latin missio, from the word, mittere, “send.” It stems from the mid-16th century denoting the sending of the Holy Spirit into the world.
"As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.” And with that [Jesus] breathed on them and said, “Receive the Holy Spirit.” (John 20:21–22, NIV)
Jesus have given us the Holy Spirit and commissioned us for a Great Commission. This means that we do not need to be discouraged by the size of the task ahead of us. The Lord will be with us and empower us to do His amazing work. Trinitarians, will we accept our mission and go?
Reflect and Respond
What is the "shovel" in your hand that God has given to you to impact the nations?How can you use it to "dig" in faith this year?
Go! Be an impact now by signing up for eMITs (Missions Impact Teams). Training begins this month! Visit here to learn more.
About the Writer | Seafarer but often behind a desk; hubby of one, daddy to four; and a Leader in IGNYTE Ministry who tries valiantly to occasionally read, write, garden, and cycle.
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