This is a Trinitarian's testimony of God's amazing financial provision when he placed his trust on the Lord.
"I arrived at Miracle Monday service on March 22, 2021, with a heavy heart:
1. I have a substantial renovation bill for my new house
2. I needed to pay off a six-figure loan from my uncle in the next two years
3. At the recent Vision Rally, I committed to give a five-figure sum

I really struggled to pen down the five-figure pledge during this year's Vision Rally, even as God was prompting me, because I didn’t want to overcommit myself in view of my financial obligations. However, I obeyed because Lead Pastor Dominic Yeo reminded us that our pledge represents our faith in God's ability to provide.
I was also reminded of what Pastor Dominic shared during Watchnight Service – that when we learn to open ourselves up for God’s blessing, He will bring a major financial windfall to us so that we can deliver the blessings and resources to others.
As I stood outside the Chapel before Miracle Monday service began, I sensed the strong presence of God. I knew this was no ordinary service, which Pastor Gary Chia later confirmed from the pulpit. Pastor Gary said God’s powerful anointing was present and that He would do something extraordinary during this service.

I was very encouraged by Pastor Gary’s sharing from Psalms 5:12 and Deuteronomy 7:13. From the Scriptures, he reminded us that God blesses the righteous, even though we may not be perfect, and He increases our numbers, blessing us more than any other people. That night, we prayed with anointing oil and declared God's provision, abundance, and protection over our lives.
It did not take long for God’s promises to materialize.
The day after Miracle Monday service, I was informed about my performance bonus for 2020. I was not expecting a good bonus because I was only given an average performance rating. Furthermore, my company did not achieve its financial and corporate scorecard targets last year due to COVID-19’s impact. For this reason, all staff were informed that we should expect a bonus lower than previous years.
To my great delight, my bonus pay-out was the highest I have ever received in the past 20 years of my corporate life. It was even higher than the years when I was promoted and given better performance scores. It was an unbelievable six-figure bonus that I would never dream of. Indeed, God’s ways are way higher than ours and nothing can stop God from blessing us! Praise the Lord!
I would also like to testify that within two weeks of attending that Miracle Monday service:
1. My family managed to sell off our old apartment at the highest price with the highest Cash Over Valuation (COV) recorded in the entire block/area over the past decade. The sale price was even higher than similar-sized units many floors above ours.
2. My uncle contacted me unexpectedly, informing me that he had forgiven my six-figure loan and asked me to treat it as a gift from him!
I was surprised beyond words. It is all God’s hand and provision that made this possible.

I would like to encourage all Trinitarians to continue to hold fast to God’s powerful promises and press forward in believing that God will see us through, whatever our challenges!
WY, Head of Risk & Compliance
We are always delighted to receive testimonies. Give God the glory and write to to celebrate what God has done in your life.
Reflect & Respond
What are the breakthroughs in your life that you are trusting God for?
What action of faith and obedience have you taken?