Stories of how God has provided for Trinitarians in the midst of the economic crisis.
By Kristine Lee
Food in God's house despite famine in the land. This was one of the prophetic insights on Ruth 1 that Lead Pastor, Pastor Dominic Yeo, shared in Trinity@CBD's Walking in the Word series. This prophetic Word rings true for this house. As these Trinitarians looked to God, they experienced His miraculous provision in the midst of one of the worst economic downturns in history.
God's good plan
"In March, I was shocked that the company I had served in for many years terminated me. It was sudden and in the midst of a COVID-19 economic crisis.
To compound problems, my age would make it very difficult to find alternative employment. And I was not ready for retirement. I felt wronged by the company and was full of angst. I was disappointed at God for not stopping the loss of my job. How could I serve Him in the marketplace when I was no longer in the marketplace?
But even when I did not feel like it, I pressed in prayer for God’s purpose for me in this last mile of my corporate life. I responded a few times to the online altar call too. Unable to ignore God’s reminder of Deuteronomy 32:35, I forgave all those whom I felt wronged me.
In May, I received not one but two job offers despite the many adverse circumstances! The new job I started in June has turned out to be a better, less stressful one. Had I continued in the previous job, I would have suffered health and relationship problems.
I did not understand why God allowed the crisis when I was going through it. But now I do. God has a good plan for me. All praise and glory be to our gracious, merciful and faithful God." - Mike Teng
Only receive
"I was made redundant in my previous job due to the COVID-19 situation. It was unexpected and I wondered why God allowed it to happen. I started to lose interest in doing anything and found myself spiraling downwards.
I knew I needed to push myself to seek the Lord through the Word, worship and prayer. God spoke to me through His Word, assuring me of His presence (even in burnout). I realized that every of our sins, lack, sicknesses, and depression were defeated at the cross. He also assured me of His grace to provide for me.
I began to pray to receive God's provision for a job and commit this in faith. The spiritual community in Trinity@Melbourne came alongside me with prayer and encouragement. Not long after, lots of interviews came flooding in and I finally landed a role that started two weeks ago. All glory to God!" - Daven Phua, (Trinity@Melbourne)
Promise Keeper, Way Maker, Miracle Worker
"Earlier this year, I was placed in a position where I had to resign from my work. One Sunday service, Pastor Wendy Chang declared that she sensed God telling someone with a work problem that He will vindicate and restore many folds. My tears flowed when I heard my heavenly Father was with me.
Then came Missions Weekend and God dropped a shocking amount for my first-ever Missions Faith Promise. How could I afford to give such a big amount when I was soon going to be jobless? But in faith, I made the pledge and trusted in God to provide.
In mid-March, in the midst of the economic slowdown, I tendered my resignation. I was surprised I wasn’t wrecked with anxiety but filled with God’s peace.
During the Circuit Breaker, I attended a few online interviews and was offered a better-paying job. On top of that, the new employer also gave a lump sum sign-on bonus of exactly the same amount I had committed in Missions Faith Promise! Our God is a promise keeper, way maker and miracle worker!" - Alvin Tan
Declaring God's faithfulness and provision
"Things have been quiet and even more so during the Circuit Breaker. I know God is faithful and will provide. But at times, I still feel discouraged, anxious and wonder if it’s going to be 'zero' sales till after the Circuit Breaker.
When I heard the message from Rev Ong Sek Leang on I Declare during the Broadcast Life Conference, I started to declare daily over all areas of my life and submitted all my limitations to God. Amazingly in the next week, I closed three deals. My boss even exclaimed that my results in this one week is far better than before the Circuit Breaker. Praise God!" - Cindy Ang
God knew
"As the sole breadwinner at home and having to handle my mother’s monthly medical bills of at least $800, plus other five-figure loan repayments, my budget has been very, very tight.
My pay is low and in order to make ends meet, I have had to hold down two jobs. One employed, and the other, self-employed. The loans troubled me a lot. There were times I would get worried and upset with God for this financial strain and burden.
When COVID-19 hit and economic news report looked dimmed, the situation looked grim. But when the government announced the solidarity funds, I realised, because of my low income, I just met the minimal requirements for financial aid under the self-employed person income relief scheme. God knew I needed the funds. While I was unhappy about my wage, God had a way and plan higher and better than mine. He is not only concerned about my salvation and spiritual needs but also every other aspect of my life." - Grace Cheong
Other stories of God's provision
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Reflect & Respond
How have you seen God's provision? Who can you care and connect with using your story or these stories?
If you have not seen God's provision, in what way are you encouraged to seek God and believe in His provision through these stories?
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Join us for these series on our livestream services to find out more of God's promises for you: The Book of Ruth, The God You Never Knew