To be placed on long-term medication would seem like a death sentence to many. Is it possible to be healed from diabetes? Do miracles still happen? Trinitarian Agnes Yeo shares her miracle story of experiencing God’s divine healing.
By Zoey Tay

When 51-year-old Agnes went for her regular medical check-up on April 9, 2022, she was shocked to be diagnosed with diabetes. “I felt as if I was given a death sentence,” shared Agnes, a professional in International Trade Compliance. Devastated, she was resigned to her fate of being placed on long-term medication.
The medication was not without side effects: already feeling helpless and discouraged, Agnes became easily irritated. Life seemed to ebb out of her like a withering plant.

Tired of living without joy, she picked up courage to confide in a good friend, who was a fervent Christian and a health care professional. This friend introduced Agnes to Trinity’s livestream services and encouraged her to pray and trust God for divine healing.
But Agnes struggled. “I felt guilty for inflicting this illness upon myself. When I was diagnosed with pre-diabetes years back, I did not bother to change my lifestyle. I continued to consume sugary drinks and foods. Could I ask God for healing?” she wondered.
I might not be worthy, but Jesus is worthy.
Amidst her struggle, Agnes clung onto the hope of God’s healing grace. “I might not be worthy, but Jesus is worthy,” she whispered to herself. She began to pray audaciously, asking God to heal her completely of diabetes.
A divine moment came when Agnes heard Lead Pastor Dominic Yeo’s message, Tapestry for a Miracle. "Fully trusting God is not leaning on our own understanding!” declared Pastor Dominic as he shared how God miraculously healed him.

As she heard the Word of God preached, she was stirred in faith to believe for and claim divine healing for herself. She felt impressed by the Holy Spirit to stop her long-term medication*. Taking a leap of faith to trust God, she finally made lifestyle changes as well.
Stirred in faith to believe for and claim divine healing
Three months later, Agnes went for a follow-up consultation. To her surprise, the doctor said no medication was needed anymore! A miracle had happened! Previously diagnosed with diabetes and placed on long-term medication, now Agnes has been divinely restored to health with zero medication needed!
“I thank God for leading me to Trinity Christian Centre to experience His grace and love,” shared Agnes, who is part of a Connect Group now and has started serving as a Celebration Host at Trinity@Bukit Batok. “I am getting ready to usher in more visitors in the Decade of Expansion."

Agnes has since stopped consuming sugary drinks and foods and is on a healthier diet and lifestyle. Having overcome the health crisis, she has learned not to take good health, and especially God’s grace, for granted.
“With God all things are possible” (Matthew 19:26) has become Agnes’ strong conviction. May you experience the God who makes all things possible when you take a leap of faith to trust and believe Him!
*(Disclaimer) Do speak to your spiritual leaders and pastors whenever you receive such impressions and allow them to partner you on this journey of faith.
We are always delighted to receive testimonies. Give God the glory and write to to celebrate what God has done in your life.
Reflect & Respond
Are you, or any loved one, in need of God's healing and deliverance? May faith arise in you to pray and believe for complete healing through the blood of Jesus Christ. Invite them to this Power Weekend happening on Oct 8, 9.
If you have experienced God's miracle before, give thanks and praise God. Share your testimony with two people in your oikos today.
About the Author
Zoey Tay loves God and desires to host His presence wherever she goes. She is like sunshine in spring, warm and kind. A good laugh from watching romance comedy can invigorate her soul.
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