Read Kenneth's experience as a member of the Church Camp Actionate Committee.
By Kenneth Yeo

When I was approached to join the Camp Committee, I agreed with fear and trepidation. Growing up in Trinity Christian Centre and having served as an IGNYTE leader for many years, I was no stranger to attending and serving at church and youth camps. Being in the Church Camp Committee was a whole new challenge. Would I be up to the challenge?
God met and exceeded my expectations for the camp in so many ways.
I can confidently say that God’s hand was with the committee throughout the planning process. God met and exceeded my expectations for the camp in so many ways.
The origin of Camp Actionate
Camp Actionate ran from June 5 to 8, 2023, but the process of planning for camp began a year earlier. Our first order of business as a committee was deciding on a name for the camp. Each committee member sought God for what He was doing in Trinity Christian Centre and what He would want to do in the camp.

Seeking God for ideas was an exercise of faith. Would our ideas align? What did God want to do in the lives of campers? As we shared our different impressions and insights, we were amazed at how they aligned.
We were amazed at how they aligned.
The result: Actionate – a passion to act; to move forcefully while breaking through all obstacles in-between; to be strong and take action. This was God’s heart for Trinity Christian Centre through the camp.
Challenge accepted
There were many obstacles in our way – wariness of overseas travel due to the COVID-19 pandemic, rampant inflation and possible recession. How do we keep camp costs reasonable? Would anyone serve during the camp? There were many unknowns and doubts in our mind. But I was encouraged by how the committee pressed on in faith to believe that God will send us the campers.

Our faith was rewarded when almost 1,600 Trinitarians signed up, and more than 80 Camp Champs arose, answering the call to serve at the camp.
I was encouraged by how the committee pressed on in faith to believe that God will send us the campers.
As a member of the programs team, we aimed to engage Trinitarians of all age groups during the camp. We worked to align our programs to the theme verse, Daniel 11:32b, focusing on helping people to know God and do great exploits.

Unlike the youth camps that I had been used to planning and serving in, there were many more planning considerations to cater to people with different interests and across various age groups.
There were many more planning considerations to cater to.
It was truly eye opening to hear the different insights and viewpoints of others in the team. I learnt the importance of “not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of others” (Phil 2:4, NIV).
This manifested in little things, where we had to actively consider less strenuous activities that could cater to the elderly, while still having other activities that could engage the younger audience.
This manifested itself in our activities such as the pre-service carnival where children and elders alike could be seen playing side by side each other at out games stations.
Children and elders alike could be seen playing side by side each other.
Camp Actionate in action
Our moment of truth came on June 5, when our campers began arriving at One World Hotel in Kuala Lumpur. God was good in watching over the entire arrival process. We were all shaken when we heard of the massive delays for those taking the buses, but God protected the campers every step of the way.
It was wonderful to see how our Camp Champions partnered with Pastoral Staff on several buses to lead campers in God encounters even before reaching the campsite. There were many more areas where we needed to make sudden adjustments to the plan, but God watched over the entire process of running the camp and smoothened the way for us.
Camp Champions partnered with Pastoral Staff on several buses to lead campers in God encounters even before reaching the campsite.
We were really blessed by the different guest speakers who took time to join us in this camp
From left to right:
Rev Abe Daniel, Senior Pastor, Trinity Life Center, Sacramento, California, USA
Rev Ong Sek Leang, Senior Pastor of Metro Tabernacle, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Rev Paulus Wong, Chinese Pastor, Agape Community Church, Seremban, Malaysia
Our Lead Pastor Gerald Tan kicked off the first night with a powerful message exhorting us to seize every opportunity to seek God and know Him. All speakers came together to echo a new season of seeking God, yielding to His call and carrying His presence.
We are to arise with a new anointing.
In referencing the Joshua generation, we are to arise with a new anointing to fulfil the Great Commission and witness an unprecedented power of God, and becoming a people willing to pay the price to see God move.
10 Takeaways from the different messages:
The final call to action
What struck me the most during the camp was the warmth and hearts of gratitude exhibited by Trinitarians at every stage – from thanking the Camp Champs for serving, to the active participation and constructive feedback about the games, to the joy and openness to learning at the workshops.
Seeing the joyful faces and transformed hearts at Camp Actionate has made me realize that serving is indeed its own reward.
By his strength, we will be strong and take action!
Camp Actionate was significant as it is our first church camp after the COVID-19 pandemic and the first under our new Lead Pastor Gerald Tan. It was a call to action. A call to strengthen our knowledge of who God is in our lives and to go forth and do great exploits.
I believe that God will continue his work in the lives of all campers as we go forth into the world. By His strength, we will be strong and take action!
Do you have a testimony to share about how God has blessed or ministered to you at Church Camp 2023: Actionate? Send in your testimony via to bless and encourage others!
Reflect & Respond
What is your next course of action to take, so that you can step into God's divine purpose and calling for you?
Pray and ask God for a new anointing and strength to step into his purposes and calling.
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