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No One Left Behind: Why Community Matters for Eternity

Trinity Christian Centre

As Singapore reopens to allow more physical gatherings, strengthen your community and see loved ones saved.

By Lye Hui Xian

Covenant Connect Group (Area Five) | Photo taken pre-pandemic

“BelieveintheLordJesusandyou will be saved,youandyourhousehold.” (Acts 16:31)

Bill Lee and Teri Liew from Area Five share their journey about being unconnected to becoming plugged-in at church and witnessing family member after family member come to accept Jesus into their lives.

How did you both reconnect with community in church?

Bill: Previously, I was in another church and feeling burned out. I was not ready to commit to a community when I moved to Trinity.

Teri: As his wife, I prayed and waited for Bill to be ready for a close-knit Biblical community again. This was important to me.

Bill: God answers prayers. During one of the most stressful periods of my life, I decided to take a step of faith and join a Connect Group (CG). Teri and I were warmly welcomed.

Besides vibrant Friday meetings, the CG had an incredible men's fellowship. These men carried a peace that spoke of their intimacy with the Lord. As I observed them, their lives spurred me on to draw closer to God. Their faith was a calm anchor in the midst of the stress of my new business.

Men’s fellowship

Their faith was a calm anchor in the midst of the stress of my new business.

Teri: Our CG had a heart for the unsaved among our families and friends. Knowing that our parents were getting on in years, we organized for them many activities such as durian parties and outings to Lim Chu Kang farms. Our parents got to know one another and bonds began to form.

Photos taken pre-pandemic

How did your family members start getting saved?

Bill: For many years, I found it difficult to speak about my faith to those closest to me. But our CG persevered in encouraging me to invite my family to church. When I grudgingly complied, to my surprise, my family members did not reject me. Instead, they all agreed to come!

My mom began to attend Trinity’s Chinese service. One day, a friend and fellow CG member led her in the salvation prayer. When she was baptized four years ago, 28 of my family members – mostly pre-believers – attended her baptism ceremony. We rejoiced greatly.

Bill’s mother (in pink), surrounded by family members after her baptism at Trinity | Photo taken pre-pandemic

My mom began to attend Trinity’s Chinese service. One day, a friend and fellow CG member led her in the salvation prayer.

Teri: My mother-in-law was diagnosed with cancer in May 2021 and CG members constantly brought her homemade soup and showered her with prayer and love. Bill’s sister saw this and was touched.

In August 2021 when Bill’s mother passed away, my sister-in-law accepted Christ during the funeral service. She shared that she saw the peace of God upon her mother in her final days, especially when our CG ministered at her bedside. My sister-in-law is now planning to become a member of Trinity and attends a CG regularly.

CG members ministered to Bill’s mother before she passed in Aug 2021

She shared that she saw the peace of God upon her mother in her final days, especially when our CG ministered at her bedside.

Bill: When I started on my Christian journey at 18, there were only three believers in my family. Today, more than half my family are saved!

My 85-year-old father, who was not yet saved when my mother passed, also recently came to Christ. After having trouble sleeping due to spiritual disturbances in the night, he was desperate for help. Without hesitation, our CG members and a pastor from Trinity’s Chinese Ministry came to my father’s house to pray with him.

They sang worship songs and declared the name of Jesus over the house. My father experienced a supernatural breakthrough and desired to be baptized immediately.

What’s the most 'defining' part of CG life?

Teri: Unity, especially through hard times. For example, the CG would attend Trinity’s Chinese service just to accompany and support each other when one of our elderly parents is attending the service, or will readily offer help for any elderly parent is wheelchair bound.

Photo taken pre-pandemic

Bill: During COVID-19, we organized hybrid events and met up in small groups while others joined us on Zoom. We may not have been all together in the same place, but found ways to “do life together” creatively.

Teri: In Christmas 2021, we hosted our pre-believing friends in four different homes and linked up on Zoom for a Christmas party. We had games, sharing, and even a “Best Dressed Competition” to make the event engaging and fun.

How is your CG looking forward to Singapore’s reopening?

Teri: We are excited about connecting with more people and seeing our loved ones come to know Jesus. Even now, we are praying as a CG about how to care for those around us and who to invite to the fully-onsite RESTORED Easter live presentations. The motivation we give to one another to believe for our family and friends’ salvations is really contagious.

We are energized as a CG by the outreach efforts, and even in this pandemic, we thank God for the continuous salvation of our family members. This would not have been possible without a strong family of believers surrounding us. As Singapore reopens, we believe the best is yet to come.


Never underestimate the value of Christian community – for Bill and Teri, it has made a difference for eternity.

As group size allowances increase, know that God desires to use people to extend Christ’s grace and love to you. Joining a faith community won’t just impact you, it will bless your family too.

Photos taken pre-pandemic

Reflect & Respond

  • Have you been building your Biblical community? How can you strengthen your community as Singapore reopens to allow more physical gatherings?

  • Who would you like to see coming to know Jesus this Easter? What can you do this week to connect with him/her?

About the writer | Hui Xian, a Trinitarian since 2011, serves as a Spiritual Parent with her lifelong-Trinitarian husband Kenneth. Together with their two lively daughters, they love exploring Singapore’s parks.

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