What did obedience mean for Germaine despite her oldest daughter battling cancer before being called home to be with the Lord? Find out how her obedience to go grew her in faith and experiencing healing in her heart.
By Anne Seet

It was in May 2023 when I went for a Mission Impact Trip (MIT) that I got to know Germaine.
She is a mother of three children, Livia, Enoch, and Eilis. Livia, her oldest daughter, battled cancer for 17 months before she was called home to be with the Lord on November 6, 2022.

It was in her grief, that Germaine struggled with many questions for God.
“God, why did you allow this? How am I able to endure this? Why me? Why us? What would others say about You and our faith in You?”
Through all the many questions, God comforted Germaine. At the funeral, God reminded Germaine that “with each passing day you are merely nearer to her and not away from her”.

In March 2023, 4 months after Livia had passed on to glory, Germaine saw the announcement to sign up for MIT and felt the prompting of the Holy Spirit to go. She was initially apprehensive as her emotions were still so raw and vulnerable, that anything could trigger and bring to the surface the deep grief in her heart.
Yet the Holy Spirit continued to tug at her heart to go. She decided to obey. Since she was not working then and had some time on her hands she immediately registered to go.

During this MIT trip to Indonesia, her eyes were opened to the many people who needed Jesus. One of the days, she was asked to pray for a sister-in-Christ who was losing her eyesight. As Germaine prayed, she started to feel goosebumps on her arms despite the sweltering heat and being in a room full of sweaty people.
God’s presence was there.
Germaine described, “She felt God’s healing immediately and was able to see clearer after we prayed for her. God brought me out here to minister to others in pain which somehow made me step out of my grief and pain.”
Her eyes were opened to the many people who needed Jesus.
This MIT trip allowed Germaine to experience deep spiritual growth, which brought healing to her grieving heart as she availed herself to be used by God.
“The needs I witnessed made me realize how much God provided us with during Livia’s cancer journey. Although we battled against cancer for 17 months, God’s hand was always on our children and our family, making sure we were provided with manpower and help needed during that trying period.”
Although we battled against cancer for 17 months, God's hand was always on our children and our family.
Jehovah Rapha healed Germaine’s broken heart, and through her, someone got to experience God’s healing in their lives. She received so much more just by obeying God’s call, stirring her faith to recognize God’s goodness through the darkest moments in her life.
Do you have a testimony to share about how God has blessed or ministered to you? Send in your testimony via testimonies@trinity.sg to bless and encourage others!
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About the Author
Anne Seet loves finding good, affordable food through food articles and spending quality time with people. She is always a work in progress, learning more about God in her life.
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