Pastor Dominic assumes new role as Ambassador-at-Large
From the opening song “Jesus come” to the closing prayer, the Change of Command Ceremony was so memorable and touched the hearts of many. March 12, 2023 marked a new chapter in Trinity Christian Centre’s history as Pastor Dominic Yeo handed over the leadership of the church to Pastor Gerald Tan.
By Pastor Edward Lim

This is the church’s second such ceremony – the first was on March 10, 2005 when Pastor Naomi Dowdy passed the leadership baton to Pastor Dom. For those of us who were present then, the 18 years have flown by – too fast and too soon. It is no wonder then that while we celebrate, there was tears aplenty all across the Sanctuary. These were tears of pride and thanksgiving, of how God enabled our first local Lead Pastor to grow the church and multiplied in Singapore and into three other countries (Australia, Indonesia and Thailand), and of leaving a greater global impact.
It was apt that Apostle Les Bowling, who preached during that 2005 handover, was also the speaker this time round. He commended Pastor Dowdy on that healthy transition and Pastor Dominic on his fruitfulness and running the church well.
He exhorted Pastor Gerald as "generation next" and great and powerful things are ahead of him
He exhorted Pastor Gerald as “generation next” and that great and powerful things are ahead of him with the best yet to come.
Standing on shoulders of giants of faith
Pastor Gerald first came to Trinity in 1989. He was part of the youth group that saw Trinity’s nomadic days from worshipping in different buildings to finally owning our first piece of property in Adam Road.

A son of the house, Pastor Gerald answered his full-time call and served faithfully in his appointments as Youth Pastor, District Pastor and Executive Pastor from 1998 to 2011. His prophetic ministry is well received in many countries including Colombia. He has also taught extensively in Australia, Indonesia and Malaysia. From 2011 to 2018, Pastor Gerald served as Senior Pastor of a local AG church in Singapore.
Pastor Gerald is married to Pastor Audrey. Together, they have two children – Davian and Evanny – who are actively serving the Lord.

Pastor Gerald Tan, Lead Pastor of Trinity Christian Centre:
First of all, I thank God for His call and allowing me to serve Him in this position. Thank you, Pastor Dom and the board for your confidence and trusting me with this appointment. Trinity is an awesome church with a great legacy. The ministry and impact of this church reaches to many nations. God has entrusted much to us by His grace. He has blessed us with great leaders that have served with distinction.
Today, as I receive this mantle to lead Trinity, I step not into the proverbial shoes of the great spiritual giants who came before me, but instead, I stand on the shoulders of these giants of faith – to continue building upon the foundations that have been laid.
I stand on the shoulders of these giants of faith - to continue building upon the foundations that have been laid.
Growing the church, expanding Trinity’s global impact
Pastor Dom, who was Pastor Gerald’s Youth Pastor, led the church through different financial crises, including the global economic slowdown in the in the 2000s and the recent COVID-19 pandemic. Under his leadership, Trinitarians continued to give extravagantly despite the challenging times. God’s continued divine favor and provision saw the redevelopment of Trinity@Adam and the building of Trinity@Choa Chu Kang, which should be ready later this year.

Nationally and internationally, he became General Superintendent of AG Singapore in 2010 and was instrumental in setting up the Alliance of Pentecostal and Charismatic Churches in Singapore. Pastor Dom also serves on boards/committees in World Assemblies of God Fellowship, Asia-Pacific Assemblies of God Fellowship and the Pentecostal World Fellowship.
“Eighteen years have gone by fast and furious. In these 18 years, I must truly thank God, my Heavenly Father, without whom I would not have been able to do all that I have done in and through Trinity,” said Pastor Dom.
He pointed out that Pastor Gerald was chosen to take over because of his endearing and impeccable integrity, his spirituality as a man of God who fears the Lord and not men, his prophetic office, and his testimony as a husband, father and son to his parents.
Following the change of command, Pastor Dom has transited to the role of Ambassador-at-Large of Trinity. He will represent Trinity to build and grow ministries and churches worldwide. He will help to open doors for the planting of new regional centers as well as mission opportunities through his international connections in the church world.

Singapore and global church leaders celebrate transition
Besides Trinitarians, many pastors and leaders from Singapore and around the world were present at the Change of Command Ceremony.
Bishop Dag Heward-Mills, Founder of United Denominations:
Pastor Dom, well done for your 18 years as Lead Pastor. We can see your efforts, strengths and energy over these 18 years – always trying to do your very best. I believe that Pastor Dom is going to witness to the small and great all the days of your life.
Rev Simon Ang, Assistant Superintendent of AG Singapore:
As you [Pastor Dom] move into this new role as Ambassador-at-Large, I know that God will empower you. He will continue to lead you from strength to strength from glory to glory, and then use you in this global stage to make a greater influence and impact.
Dr David Mohan, Acting Chairman of World Assemblies of God Fellowship:
Pastor Dom has taken Trinity to greater heights with a vision and faith.
Pastor David Wells, Vice Chairman of Pentecostal World Fellowship:
I believe in what you are doing as you release Pastor Dom to be involved in even greater ways globally. Over the next 10 years, we are going to see churches planted in multiplied fashion around the world
Rev Dr Wilson Teo, Senior Pastor of Grace Assembly of God:
I served under the leadership of the last two seasons under Pastor Dowdy and Pastor Dominic and I witnessed God’s tremendous grace through them. I believe that God has chosen you [Pastor Gerald] as the point man for the next season ahead. May the Lord use your prophetic edge to raise the next generation of Trinitarians and continue the legacy of this house in our nation.

Arise in greater faith and unity
The next chapter has begun for Trinity. It’s another of tuning in to the Lord’s leading and fulfilling His plans for us in the days ahead.
Our new Lead Pastor Gerald charged Trinitarians:
I am calling for all of us to arise in greater faith and unity in this very special and significant time in our church’s history. Let us grow together like never before and be discipled strongly in our lives and family. Let us build our three regional centers and more, and all the overseas regional centers that we have. Keep loving God passionately, serving Him zealously. Keep expanding His vision for the so much more that God would lead us to.
In honor of the leaders who have gone before: Watch how God has built Trinity Christian Centre through the generations.
Catch Pastor Gerald's inaugural sermon as Lead Pastor this weekend, Mar 18 and 19 at our services across centers:
About the Author
A donkey for Christ, Pastor Edward Lim is driven by a love for God and His people. He has served in various capacities since he stepped into Trinity as a teenager. He is also a public relations professional with a deep passion for technology.