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Pastors’ Kids: Growing up in and Building God’s House

Trinity Christian Centre

As part of Vision Month celebrations, Trinitarian Online interviewed some of our Pastors' Kids on growing up in Trinity, and their dreams and visions for the church.

Chaela Marie Dolendo, extreme right, (19), student, Ignyte - daughter of Pastor Carmelo and Pastor Michelle

1. As a Pastor’s Kid, what was it like growing up in Trinity?

Trinity was like a second home growing up and we would attend service on Sunday without fail. Because of who my parents are, almost everyone knows us. Early mornings and late afternoons were times where I would play in church while our parents attended meetings. The yearly tradition of Pastor’s Family Communion, where we would pray together as a family before the rest of the church, was something that always reminded me of how we were set apart.

2. What does building God's house mean to you?

It is about standing united as one body and moving in the direction which God has called the church to move. We give to build His house because He has given us the call to build on what belongs to God in the first place.

3. How has having Pastor parents impacted or influence the way you build God’s house?

Having Pastor parents have provided me with a strong foundation in my faith from a young age. I grew up watching my parents commit their lives to growing God’s ministry and nurturing His people. Over the years, it has influenced me to embrace selflessness and dedication in my approach towards building God’s house.

4. As the next generation in Trinity, what are some of the dreams and visions you have for this house?

I envision this house to be one that expands and open doors to all, regardless of background and appearance, one that is welcoming and inclusive, being the very embodiment and reflection of Christ’s love to those around us.

Matthaeus Yeo (25), student, Young Adult – son of Lead Pastor Dominic

1. As a Pastor’s Kid, what was it like growing up in Trinity?

It was pretty tough growing up in Trinity, as there were many expectations from others because of who my father is. At the same time, there were also many perks, such as having front row seats for Watchnight Service.

2. What does building God's house mean to you?

It is the giving of my time and talents to the Lord.

3. How has having Pastor parents impacted or influence the way you build God’s house?

As a kid, I used to see it as an obligation that I had to follow their ways of building and serving God's house. But I’ve come to understand that it is my relationship and partnership with God that matters. I am guided by what He has called me to do, to give of my time and talents to serve Him and build His house.

4. As the next generation in Trinity, what are some of the dreams and visions you have for this house?

My dream is that people of my generation and the next would be authentic and genuinely passionate for God and His house.

Ann Loh, third from right, (29), doctor, Area Three - daughter of Pastor Allen and Pastor Wai Ling

1. As a Pastor’s Kid, what was it like growing up in Trinity?

I've never really seen myself as a Pastor's Kid. My mum became a Bi-Vocational Pastor when I was in secondary school, and my dad only entered full-time ministry a few years ago. Growing up, both my mum and dad were actively serving in church and they would always bring us along. They were also involved in teaching, counselling and journeying with others through various bumps and joys in life. I would often hear my parents praying with someone over the phone when walking past their study room, and I also remember being asked to take care of my sisters on weekdays when they went for prayer meetings, hospitalization visits, funerals etc. Even before they became pastors, church ministry was a very natural and well-integrated part of our lives.

2. What does building God's house mean to you?

It’s about availing who I am and what I have to love and serve the people who make up God's house.

3. How has having Pastor parents impacted or influence the way you build God’s house?

I have been most impacted by their love for God and heart for His people. In spite of difficulties faced in the ministry, they always remind me of the need for humility - that we love because God loves us, and we serve because of what God has done for us on the cross. They also carry a strong sense of excellence for God in availing their lives to build God's house. Both my mum and dad have not let lack of knowledge or skills prevent them from serving. They will research extensively, look for resources and equip themselves so that they can better serve in their ministry. They remind me that it is a privilege to serve the Lord in whatever capacity we can.

4. As the next generation in Trinity, what are some of the dreams and visions you have for this house?

For Trinity to be a beacon of God's hope and love to the community as Trinitarians come together to love, serve, and build the church together.

Javan Sng, standing, left (17), student, Ignyte - son of Pastor Kenny

1. As a Pastor’s Kid, what was it like growing up in Trinity?

Growing up in Trinity as a Pastor's Kid meant that the church was an environment that was very familiar to me. I spent much of my childhood wandering around the church with my siblings. Many people in church knew me because they knew my father. I also experience reaching church earlier than the congregation and leaving only after the congregation had left.

2. What does building God's house mean to you?

Building God’s house to me is constantly bringing more people to know God and extending His kingdom. It is also doing my best to ensure that there is unity in the house of God, no one is left out or ostracized, having an environment that is welcoming and loving.

3. How has having Pastor parents impacted or influence the way you build God’s house?

Seeing how my dad gives his all while serving the Lord has shown me the importance of building God’s house. It also taught me that I have to give my best unto the Lord to build His house. There are times where I have some wrong mindsets or attitudes towards people or towards serving, and my dad would always correct me and show me what is the right thing to do.

4. As the next generation in Trinity, what are some of the dreams and visions you have for this house?

A dream that I have for this house is that we will all grow to be united as a church, spurring each other forward in our walk with God and always being ready to lend each other a helping hand in times of need. I hope that we will all show God’s love to one another and never pass judgement on one another.

Chloe Lim, second from right, (29), public servant, Area One and Creative Ministry - daughter of Pastor Edward

1. As a Pastor’s Kid what was it like growing up in Trinity?

As a Pastor's Kid, a large proportion of my childhood and family life revolved around church activities. My sister and I accompanied and supported our parents as they ministered at weddings, wakes, house blessings, baby dedications, church camps and other exciting activities, such as the old East District’s Acts Alive events. Through these interactions, we got to know the different aunties, uncles, brothers, and sisters in church. It’s a joy to still be able to call them that till today.

2. What does building God's house mean to you?

It means using the gifts God has given me to labor alongside others in this house for His glory. It means catching God’s heart for His church and making myself available to be part of His plans.

3. How has having Pastor parents impacted or influence the way you build God’s house?

As in Pastor Danny’s recent sermon, my parents have truly lived out what it means to have a desire, sense of duty and delight in serving the Lord. It is something I have caught from them - especially the delight portion. I truly enjoy serving the Lord in the big and small things and have learnt to plan the other aspects of my life around serving rather than the other way round.

4. As the next generation in Trinity, what are some of the dreams and visions you have for this house?

My dream is that Trinity will be a church where people encounter God regularly and powerfully.

We all can do our part in serving and giving in building God’s house, no matter which stage of life journey we are in. Let’s partner God and fulfil His plans and purposes for Trinity.

Book your seats for

Vision Weekend, Sat & Sun, Sep 25 & 26 Trinity@Paya Lebar

Vision Weekend, Sun, Sep 26 Trinity@Bukit Batok


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