A conversation in the car and a quiet prompting in the heart - these little yet powerful moments rallied a Connect Group to spread God’s love to the nations together.
By Tammy Chua

It was Missions Weekend in DiscoveryLand. As 10-year-old Janelle listened attentively to how different ones were sent to the nations to spread the gospel, she felt a budding desire in her own heart to go for missions too. Did God just speak to me? Or is this just my own thinking? I should ask my mom, she thought.
Marie Ang, Janelle’s mother, experienced a similar prompting during that same weekend. “I felt God’s prompting to find out if Janelle could attend a Missions trip at her age, to allow her to experience what missions is about,” she recounted.

Later in the car, when Janelle shared about how God spoke to her, Marie knew this was the double confirmation which affirmed what God wanted to do through their lives.
In November 2021, Marie’s Connect Group (CG) Leader Chan Siong Yu was seeking the Lord on how the CG could grow their faith in the upcoming year. “I felt God saying: Go, mobilize the CG for missions. This was the first time God had prompted us to go for missions as a CG,” she shared.

Concerns arose as members considered if they could make it for training dates. Despite everyone’s busy schedules, Siong Yu said they began to sign up by faith. She encourages: “It’s about making time. If you have a heart for missions and you hear God’s call to be a blessing to the nations, trust Him!”
What is an e-MIT?
In 2020, all physical MIT (Missions Impact Team) trips were temporarily halted due to the COVID-19 pandemic. To continue carrying God’s heart for the nations, Trinity started online e-MIT trips in 2021. Through e-MIT, Trinitarians continued reaching out to the lost and sharing the Gospel to various communities around the world.

“Through e-MIT, we saw the move of God. We have seen people tearing on the screen, lifting their hands, and worshipping God. During devotional sharing on Zoom, even a shift in the atmosphere and an open heaven could be felt during times of prayer, “ shared Pastor Esther Lee, who trains and deploys Ministry Leaders in MITs.
What types of MITs are there?
Registration is open for both physical and e-MITs until trips reach full capacity. The duration for physical MITs range from several days to several months, while e-MITs are currently one- to four-day sessions.
How do I sign up for an e-MIT?
The prerequisite for all mission trips is completing Trinity Academy’s one-time course, Preparation for Missions Impact Team (stay tuned for the announcement of next quarter’s class here). This class is conducted either online or on-site every three months. After indicating your preferred MIT trip, the respective team leader will contact you for a short interview.
What can I expect prior to an e-MIT?
Prior to the e-MIT, four to six preparation sessions will take place to prepare the team to hear from God, while guiding them in areas such as devotional sharing and prayer. These sessions will also equip team members for their assigned roles and responsibilities during the e-MIT.
Faith as small as a mustard seed

Despite juggling administrative operations for her business and taking care of two kids, Marie is trusting God with her schedule as she gets ready for her e-MIT in July.
Janelle will be training alongside her mom for her role on the team, and may have to forgo some of her current extracurricular activities. However, she is excited to serve recipients in Indonesia in a real and personal way.
For Siong Yu, she believes that through this first collective e-MIT experience, bonds between CG members will deepen and faith will grow as they pray, encourage, and cheer each other on.
“But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” (Matthew 6:33)

Half of Siong Yu’s CG have signed up to participate in an e-MIT together. They have signed up in faith, believing God will richly take care of their needs as they respond to the stirring in their hearts to answer God’s call for the nations.

As more MITs and e-MITs are announced in the coming year, will you respond to that stirring in your heart today?
Reflect and Respond
Has God been stirring in your heart to reach out to the lost through missions? What is hindering you? Pray and commit these worries into God’s hands today!
Serving in missions alongside others (CG, family and friends) can foster deep, meaningful relationships. How can you rally those around you to serve in missions too?
About the Writer | A lover of precious moments with family and friends, quiet jogs in the park, and delicious food. Still learning and growing with God everyday!
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