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The God Who Heals


Testimonies of Trinitarians have received God's miraculous healing.

At a time when the world is searching for a cure for COVID-19, God is still healing. It was the same 2,000 years ago when Jesus healed everyone who sought healing from Him while He was living on earth. It is the same today.

Our God who heals never changes. His will to heal never changes. His love and heart for healing and restoration never changes. "For I am the Lord who heals you." (Exodus 15:26)

Here are some testimonies of Trinitarians who have encountered our God who heals. Subscribe to our Telegram channel for updates of new testimonies!

A pain-free wedding

"For the past two months, I have been experiencing sharp pain and discomfort at my lumbar/lower back. The pain was there whether I stood, sat or laid down. The pain shoots down to both my knees and my thigh feels weak. I was in pain 24/7. 

I visited the doctor thrice, have taken every possible pain medication, and even additional medication to prevent gastric from flaring up because of the pain medication. I also tried plasters and gels, but nothing worked.

I was resigned to try to bear the pain through my wedding on Jul 19. 

Then I heard the message by Pastor Joseph about Jehovah Rohi, God our Shepherd. At the end of the message, my fiancée encouraged me to step out in faith to receive healing. I responded to the Altar Call on Zoom and related my desire for the comforting touch from Jesus, my Shepherd. My pain was gone immediately! That was the first time I’ve experienced instant healing from God. Five days later, I went through my wedding without any pain. I could even lift up my wife and carry her in both my arms as I walked down the aisle. The Lord is my good Shepherd!" - Alvin Lim

A tennis elbow pain that lasted two years

"Since 2018, I have experienced tennis elbow pain on and off. When I receive prayers from my seat in the sanctuary, the pain would go off, but it would later return.

During the Circuit Breaker, I started to carry heavier groceries, as I needed to cook more. This worsened the condition of my elbow. At first, I could not hold a pot in one hand. Then I would feel the pain when holding a 500ml bottle, and finally I was not able to hold anything on my left arm without any pain on my elbow.

I thought the pain would be managed if I bought less groceries. But the pain lingered. It was so bad I would sometimes be jolted awake at night with sudden sharp pain. Then on Saturday, Pastor Melvin shared about our God who heals – Jehovah Rapha. He said God wants to heal those with tennis elbow pain. I broke down when I heard that. God remembers me and heard my cries. I received prayer in the Zoom altar call and was healed." - Magdalene Tan

Rest restored

"I’ve had sleeping issues for at least six months. My sleep would be disrupted throughout the night. Through the day, I was always tired. In early April, I had an allergic reaction to the food I ate. My big toe swelled and was blistered. It was painful when I wore shoes and walked. When the skin peeled off and the wound was raw, the pain will last through the day, even when I do not move my toe. On Saturday, I tuned in to the online service, and experienced God’s healing. After service, I noticed the pain on the toe had gone and the swelling disappeared too. When I woke up the next morning, I was surprised that I had slept through the night. Thank God for His healing!" - Matthew Chern

Sight preserved

"On the night of May 30, my left eye became inflamed and bloodshot. I started to have severe pain on my eye region and my head. We rushed to the hospital. By then, my eyesight was blurring. After examination, I was diagnosed with acute glaucoma with eye pressure three times the normal pressure. Some people would have lost their eyesight by now. My blood pressure rose to a raging dangerous level of 202/110. I had to be operated on right away. My wife immediately notified our Connect Group to pray for me. Even though it was close to midnight, they prayed. Praise God the surgeries were successful. I regained my eyesight and was discharged in the morning. I thank God for His faithfulness and restoring my eyesight." - David Tan


Reflect & Respond

  • Can you recall a time you received God's healing? It can be physical or emotional healing, or healing of relationships. Who can you share your story or these stories you read here with?

  • Are you wanting to receive God's healing too? What is hindering you? Submit your prayer request online, in the comments during our pre-service prayer, or join our online zoom Altar Call at the end of online services.

  • What to know more about this God who heals? Read about Jesus here. Connect with us via email or our online zoom Guest Reception after online services.

  • Do you have a testimony to share? Email us on

  • Find out more about our God in the final part of our series The God You Never Knew.



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