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The Heart Behind Life Conference

Trinity Christian Centre

Pastor Alan See, chairman of this year’s Life Conference, shares how the committee envisions people will experience life together online next week.

Jesus tells us in John 10:10,

“I have come that they may have life [zoe], and that they may have it more abundantly.”

Trinity's very first Life Conference was birthed in 2006. This year, Life Conference prepares to go online a second time given the current safety measures. This hasn’t stopped Pastor Alan See, conference chairman, from believing that God will use it to unite and refresh Trinitarians.

Let’s hear his heart behind this year’s event:

"What is different about this Life Conference compared to last year?"

In terms of planning, we certainly have more time than last year. Eighteen days was all the time last year’s organizing committee, Trinity Broadcast, and other departments plus laity had before the conference went live.

While we had more time this year, we were planning during Phase 3 and now Phase 2 heightened measures.

What made it easier for us was we had last year’s experience to build on. This has helped us in deciding our approach and how we can use the digital platforms and devices to increase and enhance participation for attendees.

We have newer ministers that have joined us, too, and you will see many of them in the various sessions in this conference!

"What were the lessons learned from last year’s online Life Conference that you plan to implement this year?"

Last year was the first time we had an online conference. My tremendous respect goes out to last year’s committee because they did an awesome job engaging online viewers.

This year, we want to take it a step further. To enable participants to interact with presenters and respond to sermons, we are encouraging participants to have a secondary device ready for engagement and interaction. While they view the programs on their laptops or tablets, Connect Group (CG) leaders and Regional Centers (RC) will be facilitating meaningful engagement via mobile devices.

For viewers not currently attached to a CG or RC – fret not. There will be other means of connecting online for discussion and prayer.

"What are some ways Life Conference attendees can experience 'the abundant life' online as opposed to meeting physically?"

Experiencing the abundant life is not limited to physical gatherings! There are many ways this can happen online as well.

Picture with me this: Trinity’s CG members engaging one another on secondary devices while participating in the conference, worshiping as one, praying for each other through online interactions, sending encouraging messages, having online lunch-time fellowship, and sharing their reflections on how the sermons impacted them.

Life Conference is not limited to learning the Word through sermons. There are interesting sessions such as learning to bake bread, trying your hand at urban farming, and discovering how songs can speak to us in different seasons.

I encourage Trinitarians and CG members to come together, and as a community, experience all that is in-store for them. Now that’s abundant life!

Can you share with us some interesting highlights of the planning process, or nail-biting moments?

One of the pressures of being a chairperson is that people look to you for answers that you don’t always have at your fingertips.

This year, we had to plan while keeping an eye on our local pandemic scene, which suddenly changed last month from partial on-site services to going entirely virtual.

Realizing we don’t have all the answers helps us to keep our eyes on Christ.

As a committee, we are conscious that God IS leading this, and we’ve got to keep in-step with Him no matter what – so staying attuned to Him is key.

I am blessed with a great committee comprising Brother Foo Yoong Heng and Sister Azaria Sih, plus all the good folks throughout Trinity who have risen to the occasion to support and partner with me in this journey. With their support, I am learning new things along the way, even in areas which I had previously deemed “unlearnable.” Here, I would like to say “Thank Youuuu!” to the Trinity team. #blessed

Through these wonderful people, God has repeatedly reminded me to trust Him to provide the necessary guidance and solutions.

"On a personal front, what is God speaking to you as the chairperson of this Life Conference?"

Stay calm and trust Him.

We may be limited, but God has shown me through the time of preparing that He's the God without limits.

By His hand, our committee has risen to the occasion, spending countless hours with various teams in Trinity to creatively prepare new approaches to experiencing life together. It's all coming together because God loves His people, and He has a plan for the people attending Life Conference.

As believers, may we never short-change ourselves of what God can do through our lives – and through this online Life Conference.

That’s what this Life Conference is for:

Rooting for and cheering each other on in experiencing breakthroughs.

God’s Living Water is waiting to gush into every parched area of our lives.

"Which online sessions are your family looking forward to watching together?"

All of them! The sessions are designed for everyone who is willing to allow God to speak to them.

Don’t limit God to speaking to you just through the Life Conference sermons – I believe He will impart fresh revelations as you enjoy our entire Life Conference program!

Come with expectation, God will meet you there!

If you have not signed up for Life Conference, wait no longer. Sign up today, and be ready to receive the Living Water!


Life Conference 2021

Thu & Fri, Jun 10 & 11, 10am-4.30pm (Online)

Link to Register:

Full Life Conference Program, click here.

Children's Life Conference sessions:

Children’s registration not required!


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