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This is Life


COVID-19 means no crowds, no performances, and no coming to church. Can IGNYTE still reach out to oikos? No problem!

By Darienne Sim

On September 6, IGNYTErs and their friends tuned in to YouTube to watch This Is Life – IGNYTE’s first multimedia production.

New production frontiers

Featuring a mix of pre-recorded and live segments, staging This Is Life was a new frontier for our ministry. Meeting up for late-night shoots and long editing stints, IGNYTErs pressed on past tight deadlines and technical difficulties.

Though we were pushed out of our comfort zones, we trusted that God would move through us.

This Is Life was an event I never would’ve imagined myself to be a part of. The most difficult part of the event for me was being a part of the film crew. None of us had prior experience so the learning curve was intensely steep. Yet, the team tirelessly came to give their best. I saw the coming together of many to serve the Lord with excellence.” – Gweneth Goh, adult leader

New ways of connecting

“Every IGNYTEr A Connector”

Since we cannot gather as a church, it was up to each IGNYTEr to reach out to their oikos. Whether it was meeting in groups of five, going on Zoom, or sharing testimonies on social media, IGNYTErs demonstrated that sharing Christ does not stop – no matter what!

“The event was especially meaningful in these times, showing that even when there's a pandemic out in the world, the church is still active and that God is still working in our lives.” – Isaac Loh, Zone 3

Showcasing the abundant life

Showtime! A time of dance, worship, and a pre-recorded drama, This is Life was about how Jesus can help us clear up the clutter we pile up in our hearts.

Three IGNYTErs also shared their stories as proof of God’s enduring love and faithfulness.

From left: Aaron, Estelle, and Ryan

"I am thankful to have been given the opportunity to share my testimony – one that speaks of God’s unconditional love. Mental health is still quite unspoken and I am glad that this event sheds light on it. Struggles are part and parcel of our Christian life, but we can take heart that there is a God who is with us and He will deliver us.” –Estelle Tan, adult leader

Start of a new life

Proof that a worldwide pandemic cannot stop God from reaching out, we celebrate the 320 oikos who tuned in and the nine decisions made for Jesus!

“I was not certain my friend would accept my invite because This is Life was unprecedented and unconventional. But through the different prayer sessions like the Mid-Week Zoom Meet, God gave me a sense of assurance and I garnered the courage to invite my friend. On the day of the event, I hosted my friend at my house. It was a little strange watching the event through a screen, but it gave me more leeway in explaining some truths shared during the event. After sharing my testimony, she told me she would like to consider coming back to church!" – Cherie Tan, Zone 2

“In COVID-19, we've had to adapt and make the most of what we have. This Is Life was a reminder for that evangelism never stops. Evangelism is a lifestyle. Seeing how lives were saved even from home amazed me. It shows that God is present anywhere and everywhere." – Renee Thia, Zone 2


Reflect & Respond

  • How has COVID-19 changed the way you connect with people and share the Gospel?

  • How has God transformed your life? Who can you share this testimony with?



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