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  • Trinity Christian Centre

Widow discovers care and community in Active Ageing Centre

Shirley Chan was devastated when her husband passed away in March 2021. With her siblings unable to host her long term, the 75-year-old widow decided to live on her own.

By Care Community Services Society

Living alone was painful and difficult after 50 years of living with her husband. It left her depressed and withdrawn. This loneliness compounded the grief she was experiencing.

“I lost 7kg from not eating because my sadness killed my appetite,” shared Shirley.

Thankfully, her sister recommended Shirley to find an Active Ageing Centre in her neighborhood after she was personally introduced to one at her void deck. In July 2021, Shirley began her journey at CareElderly@Circuit (CE@Circuit).

The people here are not related to me but they care for me so much

Run by Care Community Services Society (CCSS), CareElderly Active Ageing Centres advocate for all seniors to age well by providing health and social support, and creating opportunities for them to contribute meaningfully to the community.

Since then, Shirley has regularly attended daily activities to keep herself occupied and socially engaged.

Shirley (left) using red packets to make lanterns.

“Coming to the center helps me a lot. I get to exercise, do craftwork and play musical instruments with people instead of being at home alone,” she enthused.

Besides these indoor activities, CE@Circuit also takes the seniors on excursions to places such as Gardens by The Bay.

Shirley enjoys going to the center to meet her kakis (close friends). She often reminisces about her past, family and life with her newfound friends.

Shirley (left) and her friends enjoy a CE@Circuit excursion to Gardens by the Bay.

It has become such an integral part of her life that she feels sad each time she has to leave for the day. To keep herself occupied instead of getting swept away by sadness, Shirley takes long bus rides home.

Occasionally, CE@Circuit organizes lunches after sessions for seniors who live alone. The first time when Shirley was invited to a lunch session by a CCSS staff, she was so touched that she cried with joy.

“The people here are not related to me but they care for me so much. It makes me very happy,” said Shirley.

The CE@Circuit community of staff and other seniors has given Shirley much emotional and social support. She is one of the seniors who found community and feels a lot more joyful than before.

Enrolling in the center has helped Shirley cope better with her loss. She looks forward to connecting with like-minded individuals through the recreational activities and interest groups of CareElderly.

This is only one of the many stories we can find in CE@Circuit. Want to help seniors like Shirley live equipped and empowered lives? Find out more about CareElderly or donate to today!

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Reflect & Respond
  • Reflect on Isaiah 1:17, "Learn to do right; seek justice. Defend the oppressed. Take up the cause of the fatherless; plead the case of the widow."

  • Come and visit the booth set up for Care Community Services Society at Trinity@Paya Lebar Level 2 foyer over the weekend of November 12 and 13.


About the Author

CCSS was founded as the social arm of Trinity Christian Centre in 1996. For more info, visit


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